2 min read

Understanding Your Values

Inspired by GESO153, “Emotion Regulation and Stress Management”, Korea University

Written on May 9, 2022

Values are your heart’s deepest desires for how you want to behave as a human being. They describe how you want to treat yourself, others, and the world around you. This is not a list of “the right” values; there are no “right” or “wrong” ones. It’s like your taste in ice cream. If you prefer chocolate but someone else prefers vanilla, that doesn’t mean their taste is right and yours is wrong—or vice-versa. It just means you have different tastes. So these aren’t the right or best values; they’re just to give you some ideas. And if your values aren’t listed, there’s room at the bottom to add them.

Pick an area of life you want to enhance, improve or explore (e.g., work, education, health, leisure, parenting, friendship, spirituality, intimate relationship). Then consider which values in the list below best complete this sentence: In this area of my life, I want to be ...

© Russ Harris, 2021 www.ImLearningACT.com


includes workplace, career, education, skills development, etc.

  1. Skillful: doing things well, utilizing my knowledge, experience, and training
  2. Responsible: being trustworthy, reliable, and accountable for my actions
  3. Independent: choosing for myself how I live and what I do
  4. Creative: being imaginative, inventive, or innovative
  5. Flexible: willing and able to adjust and adapt to changing circumstances
  6. Persistent/committed: willing to continue, despite problems or difficulties

Personal Growth/Health

may include religion, spirituality, creativity, life skills, meditation, yoga, nature; exercise, nutrition, and/or addressing health risk factors like smoking, alcohol, drugs or overeating etc.

  1. Focused: focused on and engaged in what I am doing
  2. Respectful/self-respectful: treating myself or others with care and consideration
  3. Assertive: calmly, fairly and respectfully standing up for my rights and asking for what I want
  4. Mindful/present: fully present and engaging in whatever I’m doing
  5. Authentic: being genuine, real, and true to myself
  6. Grateful: being appreciative for what I have received


how you play, relax, stimulate, or enjoy yourself; activities for rest, recreation, fun and creativity.

  1. Curious: being open-minded and interested; willing to explore and discover
  2. Accepting: open to, allowing of, or at peace with myself, others, life, my feelings, etc.
  3. Adventurous: willing to create or pursue novel, risky or exciting experiences
  4. Courageous: being brave or bold; persisting in the face of fear, threat, or risk
  5. Encouraging: supporting, inspiring, and rewarding behavior I approve of
  6. Open: revealing myself, letting people know my thoughts and feelings


includes your partner, children, parents, relatives, friends, co-workers, and other social contacts

  1. Friendly: warm, open, caring, and agreeable toward others
  2. Kind: being considerate, helpful, or caring—to myself or others
  3. Cooperative: willing to assist and work with others
  4. Trusting: willing to believe in the honesty, sincerity, reliability, or competence of another
  5. Loving: showing love, affection, or great care—to myself or others
  6. Compassionate/self-compassionate: responding kindly to myself or others in pain